Saturday, July 10, 2010

Pocket Particulars video and Sit-n-Stitch

"Pocket Particulars," with Sandra Betzina, was the feature film at the July Riverbend Fiber Arts Guild meeting. Guild members brought community service projects and other WIPs (works in progress) to work on during the video presentation. The "Pocket Particulars" video provided ideas and sewing tips on various pocket treatments for garments. "The Power of the Pocket" is the theme of this year's Guild Challenge.

Knit and crochet strips are being assembled into lap afghans for the guild's community service project (left). Beautiful silk painted pieces were presented (right). Show and Tell included hand spun beaded yarn and an exquisite needlepoint piece (below).
What fiber art project is on your loom, needles or hooks?
Visit an upcoming meeting of the Riverbend Fiber Arts Guild and tell us all about it. New members are always welcome.

2013 Recycling Challenge

The results of the fourth annual Riverbend Fiber Arts Guild Challenge were displayed at the November guild meeting. With the theme of  ...